: 1-877-824-3356, 905-948-9899
Hanging Triangle Sign (call for quote)


Large and small scale hanging sign utilizing washable and reusable tension fabric. Available in a variety of sizes and suitable for trade shows, events, retail outlets and large venues. 

- Fabric hanging sign in a triangle shape 
- Shipped in a nylon carrying bag by default

Size Range:                
Side Length (ft) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Graphic Length (inch) 216 288 360 432 504 576 648 720
Frame Height (ft) selcetions 24, 30, 36 24, 30, 36 24, 30, 36, 42 36, 42 36, 42 42, 36, 48 42, 48 42, 48
Example Size selected details:
6 x 36:
- Display size: 6' side length x 36"h
- Graphic size: 216"w x 36"h
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